Cabin House Yado Fujinomiya BranchIntroduction of fullness facilities and services
Reliable with ample amenities ♪
Wi-Fi (all floor free)
Guests staying at the hotel is free of Wi-Fi!
24inch TV
Installed at each booth
- Shampoo
- Rinse
- Body Soap
- Hair Dryer
- Mens’ set
- Ladies’ set
- Cabin Wear
- Bath Towel
- Face Towel
- Toothbrush
- Shaving
- hairbrush
- Body towel
Other services
- Lounge on each floor
- free Coffee and soft drink
- vending machine (chargeable)
- smoking booth (smoking inside the cabin)
PRICE is cheaper than business hotels, equivalent to capsule hotels.
The overwhelming low price is the strength of Cabin House Yado.
3,800yen ~ (tax included)
* Prices may change depending on the season.
Please confirm beforehand.
“Cabin” is a simple, easy to use compact hotel.
Here, we will briefly introduce the flow from reservation to check-out.

Please confirm availability from reservation management system of telephone or website and make a reservation

Reception / Check-in 15: 00 ~
We will check in at the cabin. At that time, give customers a porcelain card and a locker key that can enter the male or female exclusive floor.
In addition, bath towels, towels, cabin ware etc are available at in front of the reception desk.

Locker and shower available
Please wear cabinware at the locker room on each floor of male and female.
We have 6 showers on each floor. Please use it freely.

About using the cabin booth
You can see the 24 inch TV at the cabin booth.
Please relax yourself in the wide cabin booth.

check out
Check out will be at 10 am.
Please return the card and locker key on your way back.
After 10 o’clock you will be automatically extended.